Changing the Patch on My Uniform

I’ve decided to pursue my passion for developing great software (for the oil and gas industry) at a new company.

The Military Perspective

When I was in the U.S. Army Reserves for 10 years I had occasion to change units – or companies – several times. For example, when I moved from Denver to Houston I switched from Headquarters Company in the 244th Engineer Battalion to D Company with the 871st Engineer Battalion. I really enjoyed working with individuals in the 244th and ran into someone from my old unit in the Denver airport several years ago. There is a true sense of camaraderie. We all worked toward the common goal to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic”.

People Matter

I learned years ago that what really matters are people. Treat people with respect and look out for their best interest as you would your own child or someone else you love and all will work out well. I have a passion for excellence (hence one of my site’s name “”). Along the way I’ve discovered that making my passion for excellence known attracts others with a similar passion. I know I’ve learned much from some talented individuals and I hope that some have learned from me as well. The challenge, learning, and smiling customers is what make software development a “pursuit of happiness” – take those away and it’s drudgery.

My Previous Company

I’ve really enjoyed work at SMT (Seismic Micro-Technology). As a matter of fact, to this day there is not an environment I’ve enjoyed more! I enjoy the loyal customers, my fellow developers and other colleagues, and the product (for the most part). There are most definitely colleagues I’ve worked with that I would greatly enjoy working with again. They share my passion for excellence.  I felt there was an exciting environment there and I’d like to think I had at least some contribution to that.

My Next Company

I fully expect to enjoy the time with my new company, LMKR. Their development presence is global and I’ll be operating out of the Denver office.

Through the years I have discovered that I have a true passion for commercial software development. But I was trained as a geophysicist. While the passion for commercial software development exists, my understanding of the oil & gas industry means that my greatest contribution is commercial software development in the oil & gas industry.

Of course my post on Parable of Two Villages paints my view.

Where Do I Want To Go?

If you follow my blog you’ll understand what I believe to be the “relatively” new way to develop software (at least in our industry).  It starts with unit testing and continues with agile development practices (for which I believe unit testing is a prerequisite… see previous posts for more detail). I believe that on occasion you can achieve a level above and beyond agile development – Super-sonic Software Development. There is a right time and place for each practice with Agile being the more prevalent.

I hope that I can work with both new and familiar faces to greatly enhance software to help find oil and gas.


So now I am changing companies – from SMT (Seismic Micro-Technology), to IHS, then to LMKR. I’m merely changing the patch on my uniform. I remain dedicated to great commercial software for the oil and gas industry. I hope the sense of camaraderie I’ve experience in both the military and the oil & gas software industry will continue.





6 responses to “Changing the Patch on My Uniform”

  1. bsnodgrass Avatar

    Hi Karl,
    We greatly look forward to working with you here at LMKR\GGX. Your views on software development are fresh and exciting and I hope they can be explored to thier fullest potential. I hope your visit to this village makes you and your families life happy.
    Bill Snodgrass

    1. karlz Avatar

      Thanks! I’m looking forward to it.

  2. dv Avatar

    Congrats Karl. Looking forward to welcoming you back to Colorado.

    1. karlz Avatar

      Thanks – I’ll let you know when I arrive… Trying to get a bike rack on the back of my car in the next day or so.

  3. Mike B Avatar
    Mike B


    Good Luck! Are you moving also? So you didn’t get locked up in the merger…

    You the MAN!


    1. karlz Avatar

      I am moving. I’d been investigating this opportunity for months. In addition to it being a good fit for my skills I looked forward to getting back to the Denver area – my parents live in Colorado and I’m pretty certain I can have a much healthier lifestyle.
      So the merger had no role in my decision.
      I’m actually in Denver now…

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