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Archive for the ‘Unusual’ Category

Getting a UPS package at Lombard Gate

UPS is great about delivering, but you do need to pick up your packages in a timely manner. I signed up for UPS My Choice. It’s free and it’s great. So now I get an email that looks like this: And if I go to that tracking number, I can sign up to be notified! […]

Changing the battery on Gentex 7139CS-C Smoke Alarm

I hate dealing with situations like this so I’m creating this post to hopefully help other people. Although, once you make it far enough to even find this post you’ll probably have the problem solved. The Model Here is a picture of my Smoke Alarm… The model number is not anywhere on the outside of […]

My Achilles’ Heel–Ouch!

I HATE it when I miss a spot with my sunblock… Today I missed about a 1” square patch on my Achilles’ heel… Then I went out and spent 3 hours in the sun riding my bicycle. While it was overcast much of the time, that doesn’t really matter. Today was another beautiful day for […]

Something Peaceful About Snowing Nights

Tonight there was a light snow by comparison with last week’s snow. I need to investigate the acoustical properties of snow. I’m always amazed how quiet it is after a snow fall… Here is a picture as the snow was falling this evening…

What I did on my winter vacation…

Headline: I passed my Microsoft Certified Professional Developer exams using my vacation time and my personal funds to pay for the course. I’ll talk about several different areas that might be of interest to other as well as “journal” about why some of this happened. What was I thinking? (Or – Why I Did It) […]

What fun–Feynman Videos

Project Tuva, from Microsoft Research has some Richard Feynman videos. Anyone that knows me knows that one of my favorite books is “Surely Your Joking Mr. Feynman – Adventures of a Curious Character”. And in reading “Pro Silverlight 4 in C#” by Matthew MacDonald he pointed to a site that had some interesting Silverlight applications. […]

2002 Indian – What a ride

Technorati Tags: Motorcycle Last night was very interesting. Each year The Briarwood School has a fund raising event which includes silent as well as live auctions. Last night one of the auction items was a 2002 Indian. While I don’t have the actual picture, this image was the closest I could find: The color looks […]