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Posts Tagged ‘Hosting’

dbboon and proxy.php broke my GoDaddy site?

Technorati Tags: Hosting Headline: I deleted the folder and now my site works fine. I’ve seen other posts on this, but the word I got from GoDaddy today is that this file is required for some features involving “widgets”. Since I don’t use any of those features, this file was breaking my site. I honestly […]

Impressed with CrystalTech for .NET 4.0

Technorati Tags: .NET 4.0,Hosting,ASP.NET I’ve used CrystalTech for years. They seemed to be falling behind a bit when I started to work with the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. That works MUCH better with IIS 7 than with IIS 6, but CrystalTech only had IIS 6 servers. That’s all changed! I now have no excuses for not […]