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Posts Tagged ‘VSTS’

Getting Started with Git in VS 2017

This talks about some basic steps for getting started with Git repositories in Visual Studio 2017. This doesn’t talk about overall usage, but rather just how to get some things setup. Visual Studio 2017 already comes with basic support for Git. In this post I’m using Visual Studio 2017.3.3. The first think I did was […]

Replacing the Class Template Take 1

I don’t know if it is the installation of Service Packs or something else in the environment. I’m going to document how I change my Class template for C# here and see if it stays this time. I say Take 1 because if it doesn’t, I’ll try to find out why and move on to […]

EF and Code Analysis

Headline: I sure wish that Code Analysis would recognize Entity Framework (EF) files as auto generated. This morning I was up early and thought I’d get rid of some of the warning in my code from Code Analysis… There is a tab in the project properties that allows you to “Suppress results from generated code”. […]

GDR R2 Install

Headline: The install of GDR R2 did not fix any of the usability concerns I’m having. These are just my installation notes for GDR R2 (See the previous post for more about GDR)… At the outset, the install was confusing. The notes on the website said this: Install Microsoft® Visual Studio Team System 2008 Database […]

GDR R2 Available

Headline: I will install GDR R2 and see if that is better than the current GDR. GDR? R2? GDR stands for General Development Release and is the release of the database tools in Visual Studio. It started out life as “Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals”, usually referred to as DBPro for short. […]