Well, the excitement of the last post lasted about 18 seconds. Now I need to slog through this post about “Integrating Silverlight Unit Tests into Build Process”.
Must Use Silverlight Unit Tests
In the last post I was doing unit testing with a regular unit test project. That integrates with TFS (Team Foundation Server) quite nicely. I was pretty excited, but no sooner had I made that post than I ran into a test that had to have Silverlight libraries, and the use of a normal Unit Test project broke down.
Now Integrate with TFS (Team Foundation Server) Build
After many attempts I at least go my build to work, but I now I want all the test to run when I check my code in and I want the code coverage to be automatically updated as well.
Not sure when I’ll be able to work through the post reference above… But I would like to get that working.
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