No Silverlight Unit Test Integration with TFS?

Well, the excitement of the last post lasted about 18 seconds. Now I need to slog through this post about “Integrating Silverlight Unit Tests into Build Process”.

Must Use Silverlight Unit Tests

In the last post I was doing unit testing with a regular unit test project. That integrates with TFS (Team Foundation Server) quite nicely. I was pretty excited, but no sooner had I made that post than I ran into a test that had to have Silverlight libraries, and the use of a normal Unit Test project broke down.

Now Integrate with TFS (Team Foundation Server) Build

After many attempts I at least go my build to work, but I now I want all the test to run when I check my code in and I want the code coverage to be automatically updated as well.

Not sure when I’ll be able to work through the post reference above… But I would like to get that working.





3 responses to “No Silverlight Unit Test Integration with TFS?”

  1. qntmfred Avatar

    Did you ever get this working?? I’d be interested in any results you found

    1. karlz Avatar

      Short answer: No. My strategy is to have a parallel universe in the full .NET framework.

      I took a look at the post titled “Integrating Silverlight Unit Tests into the Build Process”, but it still seems problematic. Having a browser pop up on my Build server isn’t what I had in mind. (Disclaimer: I did not actually install and try to look at the results in the post. I merely read it.) Additionally, I saw no way to see the results of the Silverlight unit tests.

      My current strategy is to have parallel development in full .NET code. I write most of the code in normal class libraries or in WPF and then unit test that. In my Silverlight projects I “Add as Link” these existing unit tested libraries.
      A side effect (that I’ll post about soon) is that for my data access libraries I really need to use an Async pattern since that is what Silverlight enabled services do by default. Not all bad, but certainly different.

      1. Ken Avatar

        Thanks Karl. My team considered doing the parallel development path too, but after a few days of experimenting, we found a way to use NUnit to unit test our silverlight assemblies, and even have it integrated into our TFS build.

        That article you posted looks to be geared toward TFS 2008 as well (MSBuild) and we’re on TFS 2010 now so that made it even more difficult to get the Silverlight Unit Test Framework to meet our needs.

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