Headline: If you try on your own, it is painful. If you use the right tool, it’s not too bad.
Use the MVC 3 Project Upgrade Tool
Here is a link that discusses the MVC 3 Project Upgrade Tool. The only real issue I had is that all my code is in source control, so all the files it needed were locked as read only. So I had to run the tool many times and keep checking out the files needed until if ran successfully. After that it went fairly well. Except…
Files Needed for Deployment
The good news with MVC is that I can just put the needed .dll files in the bin directory of my web application and all is well. Since my ISV doesn’t have MVC 3 installed on the production servers yet, I needed to deploy the following list of files to have my application work:
- Microsoft.Web.Infrastruture.dll
- System.Web.Helpers.dll
- System.Web.Mvc.dll
- System.Web.Razor.dll
- System.Web.WebPages.Deployment.dll
- System.Web.WebPages.dll
- System.Web.WebPages.RAzor.dll
You might need some different ones in your bin.
I’m now back to the same state I was before the upgrade… Now off to discover the new MVC 3 features.
Update: Oops… Don’t forget to install MVC 3 on your build machine. Now I’m back to a green build.
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