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Posts Tagged ‘.NET 4.0’

SmtpClient.Dispose() Bummer

Headline: You will need to put in some try/catch logic when you call dispose on the SmtpClient. I was working on getting rid of some of my code analysis warnings – “Warning    10    CA2000 : Microsoft.Reliability : In method ‘AccountMembershipService.SendActivationEmail(HttpContextBase, string, Guid, string, string)’, object ‘client’ is not disposed along all exception paths. Call System.IDisposable.Dispose […]

What I did on my winter vacation…

Headline: I passed my Microsoft Certified Professional Developer exams using my vacation time and my personal funds to pay for the course. I’ll talk about several different areas that might be of interest to other as well as “journal” about why some of this happened. What was I thinking? (Or – Why I Did It) […]

Upgrading to MVC 3

Headline: If you try on your own, it is painful. If you use the right tool, it’s not too bad. Use the MVC 3 Project Upgrade Tool Here is a link that discusses the MVC 3 Project Upgrade Tool. The only real issue I had is that all my code is in source control, so […]

Some Silverlight 4, WCF, and EF Rookie Mistakes

Today I am just making some notes to myself about mistakes I’ve made in the past 24 hours with Silverlight. I had things so twisted that I started again from scratch. The initial issue (that I’ve not yet completely solved) was that of using an Enum in a class that is used in a WCF […]

Silverlight AND WPF–Table of Contents

This post is a table of contents for posts I have regarding my project that attempts to provide both a Silverlight and a WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) application with similar if not identical functionality. I’m currently using Visual Studio 2010 with .NET 4.0 and Silverlight 4. I don’t know if you call it writing compatible […]

Overview of Silverlight and WPF Projects

Headline: I’m trying to develop a new version of the FamilyShow that will use MVVM and work in both Silverlight (what I care about) and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) (what it was originally written in). I’ll start having a lot more posts about the differences between the two. I wish I’d started writing the differences […]

Reusable Library Naming

I plan to call my projects KarlZ.Silverlight.* while the assemblies they produce will be called KarlZ.*. Then I’ll link from the Silverlight project to the existing files in the normal .NET projects. The Problem – Different CLRs I’d like to use both MVC (Model-View-Controller) and Silverlight presentation tiers. My development and test environment for MVC […]

Single Logic Tier, Multiple Presentation Tiers – In a 64-bit world

Wouldn’t it be nice if we had a single data and logic tier upon which any number of presentation tiers could display? For example, one logic tier but present via WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) (both 32 and 64 bit), ASP.NET, MVC (Model-View-Controller), Silverlight, and Windows 7 phone? And, can I use the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) pattern […]

Impressed with CrystalTech for .NET 4.0

Technorati Tags: .NET 4.0,Hosting,ASP.NET I’ve used CrystalTech for years. They seemed to be falling behind a bit when I started to work with the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. That works MUCH better with IIS 7 than with IIS 6, but CrystalTech only had IIS 6 servers. That’s all changed! I now have no excuses for not […]