Tag: VS 2010

  • Silverlight AND WPF–Table of Contents

    This post is a table of contents for posts I have regarding my project that attempts to provide both a Silverlight and a WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) application with similar if not identical functionality. I’m currently using Visual Studio 2010 with .NET 4.0 and Silverlight 4. I don’t know if you call it writing compatible…

  • Unit Testing a Very Simple ViewResult in MVC

    Technorati Tags: Unit Testing,MVC,VS 2010 I have a view that really only provides content, is there a quick way to test that it exists? What’s the Assert? There’s really not much to unit test if you have a page that has only HTML in a MVC (Model-View-Controller) project. And to some extent, if you had…

  • Unit Test Authorize Attribute

    Technorati Tags: Unit Testing,ASP.NET,MVC,VS 2010 Story: I want to write a unit test to ensure that the Authorize attribute is applied to a controller ActionResult or ViewResult so that security is tested. Here is the test: Unit Test [TestMethod] public void PreviousSiteUserConversion_Authorization_Attributes_Have_Been_Applied() {     // Arrange     MethodInfo varietalMethod = typeof(AdminController).GetMethod("PreviousSiteUserConversion", new Type[] { });       //…

  • Impressed with CrystalTech for .NET 4.0

    Technorati Tags: .NET 4.0,Hosting,ASP.NET I’ve used CrystalTech for years. They seemed to be falling behind a bit when I started to work with the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern. That works MUCH better with IIS 7 than with IIS 6, but CrystalTech only had IIS 6 servers. That’s all changed! I now have no excuses for not…

  • MVC – Upcoming Series

    Technorati Tags: MVC,VS 2010 I’ve been playing with Microsoft’s ASP.NET MVC (Model-View-Controller) application on and off for about a year now. It’s been moving at such a fast pace that it seemed I was always starting over with another install – CTPs, V1 Visual Studio 2008, previews for Visual Studio 2010… And now I’m currently…

  • Error Check for MaxLength in Entity Framework

    Technorati Tags: EF,MVC,VS 2010 HEADLINE: edmProperty.TypeUsage.Facets[“MaxLength”].Value comes in handy. I don’t make a habit of making a post when someone else has done some work… I might point it out, and in that spirit here is the post that finally sent me in the right direction: http://soci.hu/blog/. However, the post is not in English (fortunately,…

  • Showing the Version for an MVC App

    Technorati Tags: MVC,ASP.NET,VS 2010 The primary MVC (Model-View-Controller) application that I’m working on is called KarlZMvc resulting in a dll called KarlZMvc.dll. To get the version output on my Site.Master page I need to include the following line: Code Snippet <{f073afa9b3cad59b43edffc8236236232bb532d50165f68f2787a3c583ed137f}= typeof(KarlZMvc.MvcApplication).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString() {f073afa9b3cad59b43edffc8236236232bb532d50165f68f2787a3c583ed137f}> I tried all sorts of combinations with the GetExecutingAssembly, or calling, etc.…

  • XML Comments for Entity Framework

    Technorati Tags: EF,Sandcastle,SHFB,VS 2010 HEADLINE: If I use the Entity Framework (Self Tracking Entities or EntityObjects) templates, how can I add XML Comments so that I can use Sandcastle and Sandcastle Help File Builder to generate the documentation for my libraries? Is there a way to modify the T4 templates so that I can access…