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EAGE Day 3


Today Karl went the the EAGE again. Lael and the boys headed for breakfast in the lobby.  They had a great meal of various rolls, tea, coffee and juice.  It filled them all up!  Then they headed for the hugh pool in the hotel.  It had a hot tub, a suana and steam room.  Mom read and the boys swam and jumped into the hot tub.  All of a sudden they looked up and there was Dad!  They were really excited since they didn’t expect him that early.  

We all went on a walk to the transport museum which had every kind of car, train, motorcycle, boat and bike imaginable!  Even Lael liked it.  Then we headed into central Glasgow to make arrangements for rail tickets on Friday (day trip to Edinburgh) and Saturday (one way trip from Glasgow to London).  This took awhile…we were in line with numbers, the number on the board when we got there was 430…our number was 497!  We were there a long time.

For dinner we ate at an Indian restaurant in the Hilton. The boys wanted to eat steak…but noooo..we ordered a variety of things for them to try.  It seems like Scott enjoyed it a bit more than Troy.  They both ate well though and they even had lamb for the first time.  Scott tried to tell me that he had had lamb at the school lunch program once.  I don’t think so!  Anyway, the food was VERY good, but we ate WAY too much.  I have to say we are very tired and ready for bed by 9:00!  Walking so much is going to be great for us all…of course, I think we will not eat a dinner like that again…Karl and Lael were miserable from eating too much and the kids were bundles of energy looking for a swim!  

Lawn bowling spectators at lunch (Lael, Troy, and Scott watch some lawn bowling.)

Then we went to the “Transport Museum” in Glasgow.

The university’s most prominent building.

A “picture” that caught Scott’s eye enough to take a snapshot.

Scott catches the tourists – Lael, Troy, and Karl walking down the streets of Glasgow.  (My butt isn’t really that big…the camera adds 40 pounds! And my short hair makes it look larger, and the two ton camera bag isn’t helping any either  and I think he is using a wiiiiddde angle lens, yeah that’s it – so there!)

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