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Word Integration Broken for Pictures – Bummer…

Headline: I did something to break the nice picture upload capability… Any ideas?

When Life Was Good

Last week I was using Microsoft Word 2007 to publish my blogs just fine. I had the account set to use the “My Blog Provider”.

And of course I had to change the Writing Settings to turn on the publishing… Note the highlight below:

This worked great! WordPress would nicely organize my images in a folder structure by year then month… Something like this: /wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2009/05

But Then Things Changed

But now that doesn’t work… I get the following error message.

“Word cannot publish the pictures in this post.”

I’m not sure what the cause was. The only think I can think of is that I changed my site some. I wanted to use http://localhost:10004/blog/ for my url rather than http://localhost:10004/wordpress/. That wasn’t too difficult, but when I didn’t do it right the first time I had to recreate the wordpress directory. I wonder if there are some permission problems or some other configuration issues.

Using a Different URL (sidebar)

This is a brief detour in case I need to do this again. I managed to get the blog site to honor this URL – http://localhost:10004/blog/ – by doing the following:

  • I created a folder called “blog” under the root directory.

I copied the index.php file to the blog folder (This is the only file in that folder) and changed the following line:




I then changed the General Settings to point to the new blog folder:

After than I could easily access http://JoyOfExcellence.com/blog/

I Can Publish – But Not Organized

So far I’ve not been able to find out why the publishing will not work like that. But I did at least get some picture uploading working again. For that I had to specify “My own server” in the Picture Options:

The Upload URL is the ftp path for the location to which you want to upload along with the username and password embedded. That looks something like:


The Source URL is the http path that will be used in the posts. That looks something like this:


So… I’m back in business, but it still doesn’t feel quite right.

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